Thursday, August 19, 2010

Athlete seeking advice about pain medication?

I am an athlete and, due to a painful shoulder injury, i have been illegally taking the drug oxycotonevery few days or so. How much does the drug oxycoton or oxycodone effect overall fitness and muscle growth after workouts?Athlete seeking advice about pain medication?
Be careful dude.... Once the prescription monster gets a hold of you, it's all down hill from there, and getting back up is most difficult. The only reason I say this, is because you said you take them illegally.Athlete seeking advice about pain medication?
my huby went through this and eventually tore his rotater was slightly tore before but working out with heavy weights did its toll. I would slack off on the work out see what happens if it does not ease up then see a dr...if you dont it could cost you about 30,000 bucks...that is what it cost for my husbands surgery...and the healing process wasnt pretty....
None oxycoton is a muscle relaxer not growth. Also if you get drug tested it will show up as a narcotic.
it is very bad for you liver and stomach,try a topical pain reliever like icy hot.

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