Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice needed, I think one of my guppies is about to give birth?

Should I wait until they are born in the main tank then scoop them out into the breeding net, OR risk premature labour (if im wrong about the imminent birth) and put her into the breeding net now? Which is best?Advice needed, I think one of my guppies is about to give birth?
Once they are born which if she looks pregnant should'nt be long (remember guppies are live bearers). Scoop them in to a nursery net to seperate from the adults as they will eat any young. The fry will get on fine if you feed them 3-4 drops of live bearer fry food which you can buy from pet shops 3-4 times a day depending on how many fry you have. once they are about a week old you can crumble in some flaked foods. Once they look big enough not to be eaten they can be put back in with the adults. Ps if you can't find any live bearer fry food you can make your own by par boiling some potatoes put them in a jar with some ot the aquarium water and leave for about 3 days and the fry will be able to take some of that.Advice needed, I think one of my guppies is about to give birth?
Don't move the female. That really louses them up. If you want to establish separate birthing quarters,get a separate tank,cycle it with a nice sponge filter, and add lots of cheap floating and bunch plants and move the female about two weeks before she gives birth. (if you can see the fry's eyes developing in the Gravid spot,it's almost too late to move the mother.)
put female in net now. our it will be lunch time for all the other fish.sorry to tell you that.good luck.
The breeding net? If you put her in there with the babies in a small area, they most likley would get eaten. Id just watch the mother carefully and see if you see a little baby swimming at the surface and just net them or scoop them in a small cup
It Will be easier for you to Pop the expectant mother in a Nursery Tank.

As once the Babies are born you'll have problems getting them in a net(Plus other fish WILL eat them very quickly).
I had a special breeding/fry trap. It was a small plastic box that floated at the top of the water, it had a false bottom with slits in it that allowed the fry to swim through into a safe area for them. the mother would be in the top and could not get to the fry to eat them.

Below is a selection of the type of things I mean.
I had guppies years ago , they breed like rabbits, if you want the babies to survive you will need to keep them in a little hook in breeding tank ....otherwise they will be eaten .....they are really cute..

The mother fish will be fine if you scoop her and keep her separate.
I would put her into the breeding tank - I have done it before and its fine. If you let her give birth into the tank, they could all get eaten within minutes. But keep a close eye on her while shes in the trap.
What other fish do you have in the tank? If its a guppy-only tank then you could probably just have a lot of hiding places for the fry and net them out after they are born.
we used to scoop them up after
I just got a new batch of fry yesterday. From past experience, I can tell you that these babies are almost impossible to scoop up and put into the net. You should buy one of these cool little tanks with two levels, designed just for this purpose, you put the mama in the top level, and when she has her fry, they drop down into the bottom level through these holes, now the babies are separated from the mama and she won't eat them. But if you don't want to buy one of these, you should wait until she starts acting funny and not moving around much, you may also notice her looking for hiding places for her fry. Another thing you could do is when she has the babies, get a bucket and scoop up the dangerous fish, including the mama, and put them in the bucket, then you just sprinkle some finely crushed food over in the spot where you will put the net and they should all go over to the spot, then you install the net.
Hi when ours gave before ours gave birth we had her in a little tank in the big tank on here own so noone could get to her, or her babies when she had them. I dont know what there called though but all pet places sell them.

But be warned though alot do get eaten, and you might end up with no babies.

Ours gave birth twice and the first time was ok and quite a few surived and then the second time none of them did.

But you need to put her into a seperate compartment in the tank now, and not a breeding net.

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