I really like this guy, who is my neighbor, but ;he has a mental illness. He has turned my patio furniture upside down, has stolen my decorative flag on the front porch, when he comes into my home he knocks over things and says '; Look what the cats did';. I have lived with my cats for yrs. They do not usually knock over things in the home. He knocked over my box cars --train set. I have not actually wittenessed him doing these things, but; he was the only one in my home during those times. He appears to be very attention seeking! I am in love with him. What should I do? Tell him to get lost?I need some advice about being in love with a Schizophrenia.?
Have you ever felt differently towards him when he's knocked over your things? Like annoyed maybe? Even anger? If you have...I would question myself if I could handle a gf/bf relationship with him. It can be very frustrating at times, I know, because my grandmother is also schizophrenic...and my mother has had to look after her all of her life..literally, and made it even harder when my grandpa left my grandma. I'm not saying never date a schizophrenic..but I'm saying there will more than likely be problems. Good luck.I need some advice about being in love with a Schizophrenia.?
So that is how to get a girl? Turn up patio furniture, steal,
and knock over stuff. I always thought it was flowers n candy
As is usual with descriptions of schizophrenics the pictures presented are stereotypes. The behavior you have described does not include symptoms of schizophrenia. They sound more like a clumsy young man. Schizophrenia is not ';a disease'; but a whole spectrum of disorders. The 4 answers preceding this carried on the negative stereotyping of a schizophrenia victim.
If you truly love the guy I suggest first familiarize yourself with schizophrenia and the possible behaviors associated with the disorders. Do not listen to the stereotypes that are passed around by the general public and media as characterizing these people. In actuality the schizophrenics I have known are not much different than normal people once they have gotten over the acute stages of the disorders.
More can be found out about the spectrum of disorders commonly known as schizophrenia just by typing in ';schizophrenia'; into Yahoo web search. A number of links comes up. Wikipedia has a good summary as does the NIMH. If you want to know what a psychiatrist looks for in diagnosing a patient as schizophrenic, type DSM-IVR in yahoo web search and look in that manual (The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) under the headings of schizophrenia.
Concentrate on why you love him not what might be wrong with him. Good luck, good health to both of you, peace and love!
Its okay to love him but a true schizo is on his way to suicide. If he is on pills he will soon be very dull.
Well, just because he has a mental illness doesn't mean that he has a free pass to be an obnoxious bastard. Tell him that you know he's doing this and that it is really annoying. Perhaps he doesn't like your cats and is trying to get you to get rid of them! Anyway, speak to him about his behavior like you would with anyone else. It's likely he'll stop. If he doesn't, well, you've got a choice to make. Will you continue to support this man and his maddness or leave him alone?
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