She's getting them no matter what, so I'm not asking for reasons not to get them.
I am looking for advice from mothers of babies who had their first shots already and how they reacted. Did you give them any pain medication?
We are supposed to go out to dinner for my husband's friends birthday the same night, should I cancel? Would you have taken your baby out to dinner the same night as their first shots?
Other than lots of love and hugs, what can I do special for her?I would love some advice about my 10 week old getting her first shots tomorrow.?
I gave my son Tylenol when we first got to the doctor's office so it would have time to work before he got his shots. I think I gave him a dosage of .04, but you may want to call ahead and get an accurate dosage from the nurse. After his shots I brought him home and let him soak his legs in warm water. I also kept up with the Tylenol for the whole day. At my son's first and second set of shots I cried for about 15 minutes, and he didn't even would love some advice about my 10 week old getting her first shots tomorrow.?
I always used liquid tylenol after the shots and for the first full day after to keep the fever at bay and help them stay comfortable. The shot site will be tender so avoid gripping it. Be sure to wash your hands well after diapering since some the virus can be passed in the waste and you can pass it to others. In regard to taking her out - sure, just make sure she is comfortable and I would recommend using a nightgown so you can change the diaper without disturbing the injection site. Have a good time!
My son cried during the shots and then about 30 seconds after. I just started talking to him all crazy and he thought I was so funny, he started smiling. Then after I got in the car I gave him some Infants Tylenol. Thats all I did and my son was totally fine. He didn't have a fever or act any differently. You might not want to go to dinner b/c some babies do react to shots and may get cranky, run a fever or just be very sleepy. All babies are different.
maybe give a little infants tylenol to ease up the pain a bit, some people say their babies were more fussy the day of the shots but my daughter always just slept a little more I never gave her anything. But people told me to do that(tylenol) so I guess just be prepared for the initial cry after the shots are givin, then just use your best judgement.
our pediatrician told us to give our daughter infant Tylenol every 4 hrs until her fussiness went away. a side effect of the shots is fussiness. my daughter who is a very calm happy baby was fussy for 3 days straight so don't be alarmed if she is fussy. you can keep your plans just try to comfort her as much as possible its going to tough but don't let it stop you from doing stuff.
My baby girl got them last week her first set of shots. The told me to give her some tylenol before the shots. The infant tylenol 0.4ml. Which I did since I can't see my children in any kind of pain. She was fussy after wards for a little bit. Then she went to sleep on the way home. She was fussy for rest of day.
my son didn't have any adverse reactions to any of his jabs apart from the screaming after getting them but two seconds later he seemed to have forgot all about it
we didn't give any pain med but if you have to you can give kids paracetamol
sometimes babies can get feverish and sleepy and cry alot after having them and they also get red marks around the area where the jab was done if it looks painfull you could put a cold compress on it
You should be able to go out, the previous sling answer is a great one too. Make sure you chat with the person administiring for the latest and best proven methods for signs and symptoms they might need to assist in fever mgt. Im really happy to read your getting the baby shots.
I would go to dinner, but I would go with baby in a sling. Just 'wear' her as much as possible afterwards; it's the only thing I found helpful. You might want to try to nurse while she's getting the shots, but I don't know how many babies buy into that.
babies tend to cry when they just relax cause the pain will ease eventually and it will probably take no more than two minutes.just pretend your baby was hungry and DON';T give any pain medication cause there's no medicine for that age.
I would do both. If you choose to go, hold her/his hand. Tell her/him it is going to be alright.
There's a chance that she will sleep a lot more than usual, so it might work out wonderfully.
What I do is make sure the nurse/dr. knows I'm getting ready to give her infant Tylenol at the very beginning of the visit. They are usually fine with it and they don't do the shots until the end, so it gives it time to kick in. I nurse her through the shots, but it never distracts her. She always unlatches and cries as if her heart is broken.
After that, I give her the smallest dose every 4 hours for the first 12-24 hours.
The first day, I kind of massage the shot site and it keeps it from forming a hard, warm knot, which is very painful for them. But don't worry about massaging after the first day. If it does form, try to gently rub it from time to time, but don't dwell on it. It will just hurt them too much.
For her first shots, my DARLING fiance mistook gas drops for Tylenol and she was running a fever when I got home. (He learned his lesson well... YOU MUST ALWAYS READ LABELS!)
But the next time, I kept her dosed for most of the day and she was fine, just a little more cranky and sleepy. For her 6 months shots a couple of days ago, I gave her three doses of Tylenol, but she didn't seem to react adversely at all.
Good luck! Shots suck!
my son is now 6 1/2 months and he did really good on his first shots. giving the love is the best advice - i held his hands and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him that they were about to give him some shots so he could be a healthy baby. even though your daughter is really young you can still talk to her and let her know what is about to happen. my son cried for about 2 minutes and calmed down immediately after. i also made sure to have a bottle ready so he could be fed right after he got his shots. by the time we were 5 minutes from the pediatricians office he was knocked out. i did give him some tylenol the night that he got his shots just in case in may have been in some kind of pain. expect for her legs to be a bit ';thicker'; (for lack of better words) and sore after she gets the shots. i think it would be okay for her to go out but just monitor her because she may have a fever or be a bit more cranky. if she seems too uncomfortable then just take her home...hope this helps! best wishes...and she WILL be fine....
one thing's for sure - your baby will NOT be happy.. so take some milk with you when you go to the doctor's.. as soon as shots are done, and your baby had a ball with crying, giver baby the bottle - and all of the stress paired with warm milk will make your baby fall asleep.. as soon as the baby is awake, she'll be as good as new :).. no pain medication necessary..
you can go out to dinner, however if it's past 6pm, the baby has to stay at home.. also, when it comes to gatherings, there's a formula to determine how many strangers (people whom your baby doesn't see on a regular basis) there should be there: baby's age plus 1.. so if your baby is not even 1 yet, so there can only be one stranger.. and since it won't be the case, then you cannot take your baby with you.. so either get someone to stay with the baby or one of you should stay at home with the baby.
there's nothing more special for baby than love and hugs, so continue doing what you are doing :)
My daughter just got her 4 month shots yesterday which are an exact second dose of the 2 month shots (the ones your daughter will be getting) and it was heck that night. She got them around 10am, fell asleep for 4-5 hours and was a mess the rest of night. We scheduled our family Christmas pictures for that night...figuring we were already out that way (her doc's office is less than a mile from the mall) but it was a BAD idea lol. We gave her Tylenol before leaving the doctor's and it worked to a certain degree but she was still so fussy. She did better with them this time, I gave her Tylenol before the appointment and twice later last night. Some people say Tylenol can make it worse but her pedi said to give it to her every 4-6 hours up to 2 days if need be. I haven't had to give her any today but she has been a little cranky and clingy.
There's nothing else you can really do, besides be there to comfort her. I'm lucky and have a baby who doesn't cry getting shots but that just means I cry more than she does lol. I wouldn't cancel dinner plans, you have a 50/50 chance she'll be cranky and upset and even if she is being out in public won't make her any worse or better.
Good luck and hope all goes well!
They dont feel a thing
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