Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thanks to everyone who gave their advice about my cat, Tim, who wouldn't eat.?

He has begun to eat small amounts of food and is slowly getting stronger. I used the scrambled egg method and adding some moist food to his usual crunchy type. Thanks a lot:-)Thanks to everyone who gave their advice about my cat, Tim, who wouldn't eat.?
Your welcome.Thanks to everyone who gave their advice about my cat, Tim, who wouldn't eat.?
i know i didn't help but wow my cat noodles isn't eating so ill try this.

thanks ma'am.
wow..good stuff!
ahh No worries.. although i didn't answer that question but still never mind.. Thanks accepted.. lol
I didn't answer your original question but pleased to hear Tim is on the mend. I will take note in case I ever come across this situation.

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